Why You Should Enroll In Our Courses

  • Educate

    Here you will learn the basics of how to buy and sell cryptocurrency. You will also learn a great deal of information on what NFTs you should be looking to buy throughout the upcoming year. We do long term plays and short-term plays meaning sometimes we try to make a quick 10%-50%, and other times we invest for longer term plays that will create residual income. Look forward to seeing you in some of our upcoming intensive trainings.

  • Execute

    Our team does extensive research on what will be the next big NFTs. Following our methods, we will provide you the knowledge and confidence to execute transactions, research the correct sites, and always be able to find the newest and greatest NFTS.

  • Expand

    After taking some of our courses, you will have the necessary tools to go out and research and find the next big NFT. Please remember to come back and share what you find LOL, there’s enough money for all of us!!! That’s truly what we believe in this group, that we all can become financially independent!!!


Hi, I'm Teaila Kidd, a Real Estate Broker and Crypto enthusiast! I’ve been studying and learning about crypto for a couple of years now, and I’ve recently gotten involved learning and teaching in the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) space and have completely fallen in love with it! Now I have the opportunity to travel the country and teach people online how they can get involved in creating, buying, and selling various NFTs like virtual land, virtual games, and virtual art! God Bless



    A cryptocurrency is a type of currency that uses digital files as money. Usually, the files are created using the same methods as cryptography (the science of hiding information). Cryptocurrencies use 'decentralized control', which means that they aren't controlled by one person or government.


    Altcoins are the other cryptocurrencies launched after the success of Bitcoin. Generally, they sell themselves as better alternatives to Bitcoin. The term "altcoins" refers to all cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin.

  • What are NFTS?

    A non-fungible token is a special type of cryptographic token which represents something unique; non-fungible tokens are thus not mutually interchangeable. This is in contrast to cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, and many networks or utility tokens that are fungible in nature. They are a one-of-a-kind asset owned by one individual.

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